The Resident Magistrate, Mr Darren J Bracken, will be hearing criminal charges in Nauru arising from the detention centre riots a few years ago. He is seeking a recent law graduate to provide administrative/legal assistance. The incumbent needs to be able to travel to Nauru on Saturday 25 October, returning the weekend of the 6th December. The incumbent must also be available to return to Nauru early January for another six weeks (approximately) and be available February next year in the event the trial is still continuing.
Under the direction of the Registrar, the incumbent will perform the following duties:
- provide any requested assistance to the Magistrate, including but not limited to conducting legal research, providing legal or administrative support, drafting documents, scheduling, ensuring availability of facilities; attending the Magistrate in Court and recording orders made;
- liaise with the Registry and District Court staff; the legal profession, the public and government departments as appropriate;
- conduct formal duties in Court such as swearing in of defendants and witnesses, and maintaining recordings of proceedings;
- ensure the efficient conduct of Chambers, including preparing correspondence etc;
- attend to other duties as requested by the Magistrate or directed by the Registrar; and
- act in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Nauruan Public Service Act 1998 that regulate conduct.
Queries should be directed to Kimberley Hines, secretary to Mr Bracken on (03) 9225 8027.
Please send your CV to Kimberley by email at