Andrew and Myuran: Where to from here?
Reprieve Australia, in conjunction with The Wheeler Centre, is hosting a free event featuring some of Australia's best thinkers, to discuss what the future of the death penalty is in the wake of recent events, and what Australia's role might be.
Please join us as Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Human Rights Commission, renowned anti-death penalty jurist the Honourable Lex Lasry and Richard Bourke, Director of the Louisiana Capital Assistance Center and founder of Reprieve Australia discuss Australia’s role in ending the death penalty in the Asia Pacific.
In the early hours of April 29, the Indonesian government executed two Australians. The plight of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran had become international news, resulting in constant diplomatic overtures at the highest levels, desperate legal manoeuvres and an enormous public outcry.
We are now in a moment where there is an unprecedented public mandate for Australia to see through the movement for abolition of the death penalty in our region.
But what does that look like? How does the region reach a moratorium - or abolition - on the death penalty? What is Australia’s role? Reprieve Australia and its Mercy Campaign are addressing these questions and developing a strategy. The first step is to encourage this dialogue and so we have convened an august panel of experts to confront these issues and more.
Friday 22 May
6pm for a 6:15pm start
The Wheeler Centre
176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Tickets are free, but booking is essential
Book at