Program Background

Now in its second year, the Horticulture Graduate Engagement Program has been developed to build capacity in people in the horticultural industry to ensure the development of leaders for the industry in the future. The program has two phases:

Phase 1 - Students complete a 10-12 week internship with an industry partner (company/organisation) during the final year of their studies as part of their degree (e.g. over the Summer holidays or throughout the year). The successful student will also receive an $8,000 scholarship to cover the costs of completing their internship and go towards their studies.

Phase 2 - At the completion of their studies and all going well for both parties, students commence a 12-month graduate position with the industry partner. The graduate year includes participating in a leadership program run by the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation.

Thus far 10 students have completed their internships as part of the program, with two commencing graduate role, and there will be a further 15 positions available this year.

Who Can Apply (Selection Criteria)

To be eligible to apply, students must meet the following criteria:

• Have an open mind to a new/different industry and challenges; be genuinely willing to explore horticulture as a career option

• Have passion, drive and motivation

• Studying a course which is relevant to the position and be able to be covered under their university’s insurance program while complying with the relevant Fair Work Australia standards

• Be a student at the time of the internship; students completing their internship during the year must be able to complete their current studies by the end of 2018, and students completing their internship over the 2019/20 Summer holidays must be able to complete their studies by the end of 2019

• Be able to commit to full time employment after graduating for a minimum of 12 months

• Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident of Australia

Key Dates

Internship windows:

1. Winter/2nd Semester - Students will complete part of their internship full-time over the Winter break and part of it during semester before commencing in the graduate role at the end of 2018/start of 2019 (provided all going well)

2. Summer - Students complete their internship over the Summer period, return to complete their studies and then commence Graduate role in mid or late 2019

How Do I Apply

1. Go to:

2. Hit ‘APPLY NOW’

3. Fill out Application Form and attach CV

Application Process

1. Once we receive your application, we will send you an invite to complete the Online Video Questionnaire

2. Once the Online Video Questionnaire is completed, you will received your login details to access the GradLink portal

3. Login to GradLink and apply for positions as they become available

4. You will be notified of the progress of your application via the GradLink Portal

Project Report

As per university course requirements.

Preferred Course/Study of Applicants

We are seeking students from a wide range of both traditional and non-traditional degrees. Examples of degrees from which employers are seeking students include: Agronomy/Agribusiness, IT&C, HR, Marketing, Engineering and Finance.

Location of the internship

Internships will be offered Australia wide. The purpose of the scholarship is to ensure that location does not create an unreasonable financial burden for students.

Work Hours Expected

Not to exceed 38 hours per week.

Payment to Student

$8,000 over the internship period in 3 instalment.